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Published on September 22, 2008 By Jedmonds24 In Everything Else

What do you think is the worst sequel of any movie/game?

By worst I meen completely off from where the previous left off.  

My choices are.

Movie-Resident Evil Apocalypse, first couple of movies were not great but the third was................what? Hellboy and the golden army was a close second.

Game-Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty, sorry but I was rolling on the ground in a fetal postion in a pool of my own tears at all the plot twists about halfway through.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 22, 2008

Hands down..............Caddyshack 2

on Sep 22, 2008

That's because his talents lie with singing.


Yeah, I went there.

Compared to having Scotty hit his head on a beam and having Nichelle Nichols do a fan dance while singing?

Okay - Nichelle Nichols doing a fan dance while singing is *not* the worst thing in the world however bad the context might be - she looks better than I will by that age. Or now. Okay, better than I did when I was fit and in the military.

But still - I've read "Mary Sue" stories on the internet with better writing and characterization.


on Sep 22, 2008

idk if any of u have played them, but heroes of M&M 4 & 5 sucked terrible, 3 was golden my dad & sis still play it, might & magic 9 was pretty bad too

on Sep 23, 2008

The second Kohan game was one of the worst sequels ever.  Took what was good about the game and squashed it.


on Sep 23, 2008

Uhura doing that SIren Song, was to draw the testosterone crazed males into a trap. In case you forgot the context. Jar'Jar was comedic relief.

on Sep 23, 2008

Startroop Troopers was OK, but rather corny.

Starship Troopers 2, however, would be my choice for worst sequel.

on Sep 23, 2008

Hands down..............Caddyshack 2

Any of The Exorcist sequels


I have to agree here.  I'd also throw in Grease 2, Godfather 3, Nightmare on Elm Street 5 and 6, Batman & Robin and Evan Almighty.



on Sep 23, 2008

Startroop Troopers was OK, but rather corny.

Starship Troopers 2, however, would be my choice for worst sequel.


well thats why people liked it but Starship Troopers 2 suked it was not even like the first one, then the thired one came out and that one was ok it was like the first one.

on Sep 23, 2008

For games, Deus Ex 2 was the most horrible sequel to the brilliantly done Deus Ex.

on Sep 23, 2008

Games: MOO3 (unfinished); XCOM Apocalypse (maybe a private opinion); 

Movies: StarWas Episode I Phatom Manace (by far the biggest disapointment); Matrix 3 (They just went tooo far); StarTrek 9 - Insurrection (Boy!! - bad episode disguised as a movie); Next Karate Kid (unnecessary); 

on Sep 23, 2008

TERMINATOR sequels. omg !!! 

The first was an original idea so  I could take what was presented. But the sequels just got worse and worse. From a sci-fi standpoint fans can accept almost anything that is in the movie (lasers, light speed, teleporters, timetravel etc) but don't accept things that just dont make sence. Creating a paradox with time travel is a sure way to raise the ire of sci-fi fans. If sky net never exists then none of this would ever have happened... and so on.  Besides in #2 what the heck did the bad terminator keep changing into that cop when the good guys already knew it was him? I'll stop here. lol


Star Wars... can't say any were bad but I still have my 1970's action figures. But I will say i was disappoint with some things that were in the prequels. C3PO being built by Darth Vader kills me.

on Sep 23, 2008

TERMINATOR sequels. omg !!! 

Terminator 2 was pure genius. T3 wasn't a fantastic sequel, but I wouldn't call it a bad movie

on Sep 23, 2008

I like terminator 2 even more than the original.

I think that empire earth 3 really is one of the worst sequels in game history. In movie, well dumb and dumber was pretty ok, but the sequel. Oh what about the mask,  its good, Son of the mask is one of the worst movies ever!

on Sep 23, 2008

I say the final fansity 7 remakes. They just getting wroster and wroster then the orginal.

on Sep 23, 2008

whats up fellas.

i don't know if you guys ever seen 'neverending story' movie. google it if you havn't. part one was good then when part2 of the movie came out, it was like WTF! is this suppose to be the same movie or is it like something you'd see on a saturday morning kids show?

this movie has far one of the worst sequel to ever been released. i recommend you guys watch part 1 then just pretend part2 never existed.

the second other movie: teenage mutan ninja turtle. part is good but i don't think second part was anything like how partone was.


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